Duties and Responsibilities: The Membership and Mentorship Committee develops and implements recruitment and retention strategies and recommends activities that ensure value to membership. The committee shall have the responsibility of nominating a slate of Honorary Members and/or other Members (as determined by the Board). Additionally, the Membership Committee will approve applications for Membership and shall submit a report of new members to the Board of Directors twice yearly as more fully described in the Bylaws. In addition, the committee oversees a mentorship program with the intention of providing newer SABM members a resource for learning, guidance, and experience by mentorship by professionally compatible senior SABM members.

Chair: Becky Rock
MembersKaycie Atchison
                   Siyavash Fooladian, MD
                   Ananthi Krishnamoorthy, MD
                   Todd Liu, MD
                   Gagan Mathur, MD
                   Sheryl Reed
                   Ish’shah Sherd, RN
                   Sharon Sledge, RN
                   Erin Suydam, MD
                   Joe Thomas, RN
                   Nathaniel Usoro, MD                   

Call Schedule: The 1st Thursday of every other month at 11am ET

If you are interested in joining this committee, please click here to express your interest.